The Asian Economics Olympiad is a prestigious event designed to promote economic knowledge among school students across Asia. It aims to stimulate creative problem-solving skills among students interested in Economics, Business, and Finance. The 2024 edition will be held online from October 26th to November 9th, and is open to all students from 9th to 12th grade.
In previous competitions, the National Team of Kazakhstan earned two silver medals and three bronze medals, placing 9th out of 50+ countries at the International Economics Olympiad 2024, held in Hong Kong. The team shared their passion for economics and represented Kazakhstan proudly, achieving wonderful success.
The team earned two silver medals for outstanding performance in problem-solving and analysis tasks.
Three bronze medals were awarded to students for excellence in economic theory and financial literacy.
Kazakhstan placed 9th overall out of more than 50 countries, showcasing their talent on an international stage.